We have learned that fighting hunger involves not just delivering food, but also transferring cash; not just transferring cash, but transferring knowledge; not knowledge in a void, but knowledge that makes local sense; and not just knowledge we own, but knowledge derived from conversations of equals.
When Olexander and Liubov’s home in Kharkiv came under heavy shelling, they grabbed their two boys and rushed to the basement where they spent the entire night.
“We came out of the basement in the morning,” says Liubov.
Abdallah Nassir, Abdallah Yacoub, Abakar, Hissein, Kaltouma, Sima and Hannan are among the 20,000 Sudanese refugees living in Djabal camp, near Goz Beida, Chad.
The village of Grande Rivière du Nord owes its name to the stream that gently splits it into two shores. But in the last two years, not much water has fallen from the sky, and most harvests were lost.
Funding shortfalls already forced WFP to cut its food vouchers from US$ 12 to US$ 10 per person per month, in March this year.
“We are appealing for urgent support so that we can restore rations to the full amount as soon as possible.
During my two days here, I had the chance to engage with people benefitting from WFP programmes including the Government-led National Poverty Targeting Programme.
The El Niño impact is exacerbating the devastating effects of the climate crisis in Malawi. The country is still suffering from the impacts of tropical storms and cyclones in 2022 and 2023 and the compounded effect is to push up to 40 percent of Malawi’s population into hunger, threatening both lives and livelihoods.
Some 345 million people are currently facing high levels of food insecurity, according to WFP analysis, an increase of almost 200 million since early 2020. Of these, 43 million are just one step away from famine. Meanwhile, WFP has recently been forced to cut food rations in operations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Palestine as needs outpace available funding.
Most families crossing the border are arriving hungry, desperate and in need of immediate support. WFP continues to supply all arriving families with fortified biscuits and cash to buy food or other basic necessities.
There are many ways to support WFP’s mission to eliminate hunger, from making a donation that helps us reach vulnerable people worldwide to partnering with us to contribute capacity and expertise to our work saving and changing lives.