In 2022, high inflation, reduced access to basic services, and increasing social tensions because of the severe economic crisis continued to drive high levels of poverty and food insecurity.
The TOR notably presents the scope, objectives, key issues, stakeholders and users of the evaluation. It also describes the evaluation approach, team composition and organization.
Launched in January 2022, WFP’s Evaluation Methods Advisory Panel (EMAP) aims to provide advice on WFP’s evaluations to improve evaluation methodology, approaches and methods, identifying systemic and structural challenges and shed light on international best practices and innovations on methods in evaluation.
The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of CCS interventions, recommending adjustments for future implementation. The evaluation made considerations to environmental risk and gender-related issues, to supplement evidence to the government and its partners' capacity to achieve zero hunger.
The surveys were conducted from October 2022 to March 2023 to understand the food security situation of households in the Philippines. From the results, we gained an improved understanding of the differential impacts of the global crisis on regions and households.