Country Capacity Strengthening (CCS) is critical to WFP’s realization of its strategic objectives and progress toward Zero Hunger. This policy update reaffirms WFP’s commitment to CCS, sets out the purpose of WFP’s engagement in CCS, and refines and articulates key concepts.
Market prices in Timor-Leste for cereals and non-cereal items have remained steady or slightly decreased since September. This observation is consistent with the FAO food price index (FFPI) of 135.9 captured in October, a figure virtually unchanged from September.
The prices of essential food commodities are increasing and impacting the purchasing power of vulnerable Iraqis. Wage rates have not been revised over the past two years and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war is exacerbating the already deteriorating food security situation. The benefits from higher oil prices will be offset by an increase in import bills.
The Strategic Partnership Framework articulates the Regional Centre of Excellence Against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM) positioning, engagement and partnerships in support of countries’ efforts to accelerate progress towards Zero Hunger in Africa.
Contact details for the UN World Food Programme's (WFP's) headquarters in Rome, and information on how to contact our country offices and media, fundraising, careers and procurement teams.
La toile de fond d’une protection sociale sensible au VIH est nécessairement l'adoption d'une nouvelle approche basée sur les Droits de l'Homme, faisant des droits sociaux des Droits sur l'État, censé couvrir les besoins de dignité et d'insertion sociale et économique, cibler la justice sociale et ainsi répondre aux exigences constitutionnelles et juridiques.
Les arguments en faveur d’une prote