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Yemen - Food markets in the Time of Conflict and Cholera, April 2018

The crisis in Yemen is among the most serious and complex in the world with over 7 million people are assisted by the World Food Programme (WFP). In November 2017, rapid market assessments were conducted in the cities of Sana’a, Hodeidah and Hajjah to evaluate a potential scale-up of the current commodity voucher system and the feasibility of introducing cash-based transfers to broaden the portfolio of food assistance programming.

This report presents three possible scenarios. The first is the ‘baseline scenario’, which reflects conditions up until October 2017; the second is the ‘blockade scenario’, which arose in November 2017 when airport and seaport access to and from northern Yemen was closed; and the third is the ‘crisis scenario’, referring to when armed clashes burst out in the streets of Sana’a in December 2017.

In the report we discuss the political and economic situation in Yemen; availability of food through local production, imports and stocks; the general functioning of the supply chain; and price analysis including the minimum expenditure basket.