- WFP plans distributions in Wau Shuluk and Aberoc next week. On 06 August, the Security Risk Assessment was completed for Wau Shuluk and Aberoc (both in Upper Nile), with 1.5 mt of High Energy Biscuits distributed concurrently. WFP’s NGO partner, World Vision will conduct food distributions in Aberoc and WFP will deploy a Rapid Response Mission team for food distributions in Wau Shuluk on 12 August. Other humanitarian partners will also deploy teams to these locations. WFP has not been able to provide food assistance to Wau Shuluk since July 2014.
- Ban on barge Nile movements lifted. In a letter dated 03 August, the Government lifted its ban on barge movements along the Nile river, specifically to Malakal, which has been in place since 13 July. With barges transporting 1,400 mt on average per journey and the population in the Malakal POC influx, it will be crucial to maintain river access during the rainy season. The WFP barge currently in Malakal will start its voyage back to Bor, with UNMISS Force Protection, for further loading as soon as possible.
- Re-starting of fixed wing flight to Malakal. Since the end of June, flights to Malakal airstrip have been interrupted due to insecurity and a lack of Flight Safety Assurances. As a result, WFP, UNHAS and the Logistics Cluster have had to rely on helicopters landing on the UNMISS compound (with greatly reduced capacity for cargo and passengers). This week, the Flight Safety Assurances were granted for Malakal and use of the airstrip was cleared. One UNHAS flight, with 28 passengers, arrived on the airstrip 07 August.
- Launch of National Girls’ Education Strategy. On 07 August, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology hosted the launch of the National Girls’ Education Strategy at Gudele Primary School in Juba. WFP, as a partner in the development of the strategy paper was represented by its Deputy Country Director (Operations) during the ceremony. WFP’s Food for Education programme provides school meals to schoolchildren in selected schools across the country as well as Girls’ Incentive take-home rations to female pupils, to encourage female school attendance.
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