Training materials and resources for integrating gender into market analysis.
The training aims to build the capacity of learners to understand and apply processes, tools and good practices to integrate gender analysis into market assessments and seeks to bridge the disconnection between gender-responsive data collection, data analysis and gender-transformative programmatic decision-making for market-based interventions.
Learning objectives include:
- Explaining importance of sex and age disaggregated data (SADD) as well as gender statistics in markets and the conceptual meaning of the main indicators used (Module 2)
- Filling knowledge gaps with regards to markets-related data disaggregation, data analysis, interpreting disaggregated data and gender indicators, and reporting, by providing examples and resource (Module 2).
- Access to a range of relevant existing resources related to gender and markets analysis and their specific strength and/or weaknesses (Module 1)
- Get to know what the necessary steps are to start a Gender & Markets Initiative (or another gender-responsive initiative) in terms of resources, responsibilities, activities and institutional integration. (Module 3).