This year, R4 significantly scaled up in Malawi, reaching over 36,000 farmers with insurance and expanding to three additional districts. The initiative also grew in Zambia, increasing its participants from 3,835 to 7,821 and expanding to four new districts. In Ethiopia, R4 reached 29,300 farmers with weather index insurance. WFP also began offering insurance to pastoralists through the Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralist in Ethiopia (SIIPE), with a total of 5,001 participants registered for the index-based livestock insurance in the Somali region of Ethiopia. In Senegal, the number of insured farmers has increased from over 6,000 to 9,245. In Kenya, the programme doubled the number of participants from over 4,000 to 9,485 in one year. This year also marked the introduction of the initiative in Zimbabwe, where the insurance product was finalized and piloted in the 2018/19 agriculture season, reaching 500 farmers.
2018 - R4 Rural Resilience Initiative Annual Report
In 2018, The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative (R4) scaled up to over 87,000 farmers (benefitting approximately 545,000 people) in Ethiopia, Senegal, Malawi, Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. In addition, nearly 6,000 non-R4 farmers have accessed insurance developed by the R4 initiate, either delivered through non-WFP programmes or by paying their insurance premium fully in cash.