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School Canteens for a better Education in Mali - Each pupil, a meal

Through the 11th European Development Fund the European Commission is financing the Programme to Support Inclusive Education (Programme d’Appui à l’Inclusion Scolaire - PAIS) to promote an equitable access to quality primary school education in Mali. As part of PAIS (contract FED/2018/397-890), the World Food Programme aims to provide school feeding to an estimated 50,000 school children in Gao, Ménaka, Mopti, Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou regions. The programme aims to sustain school canteens in the communes with the most worrisome food security and education indicators. Under this contract, WFP is required to publish ex post all sub-grants and contracts above EUR 15,000. This page contains all Field Level Agreements (FLA) with WFP’s cooperating partners and contracts signed during the first year of the Action.


Project Year 1: 29 June 2018 to 28 June 2019


List of Cooperating Partners

# Partner Region Circle Total FLA XOF Total FLA (EUR)
Contracts for cash transfers to School Management Committees and monitoring
1 CAP DE NIORO Kayes Nioro du Sahel 8,166,882 12,446
2 CAP DE NARA Koulikroro Nara 7,378,506 11,245
3 CAP DE KOLOKANI Koulikroro Kolokani 9,522,144 14,512
4 CAP DE NOSSOMBOUGOU Koulikroro Kolokani 7,775,262 11,849
5 CAP DE NIONO Segou Niono 11,166,948 17,018
6 CAP DE BARAOUELI Segou Baraoueli 3,758,769 5,728
7 CAP DE MOPTI Mopti Mopti 8,340,864 12,711
8 CAP DE SEVARE Mopti Mopti 3,986,178 6,075
9 CAP DE TENENKOU Mopti Tenenkou 4,195,149 6,393
10 CAP DE GAO Gao Gao 14,823,459 22,591
11 CAP DE WABARIA Gao Gao 10,801,971 16,462
12 CAP DE MANEKA Ménaka Ménaka 19,711,647 30,040
Contracts for Third Party Monitoring*
13 AMRAD (Oct-Dec 2018) Gao-Ménaka-Ségou Gao-Wabria-Ménaka-Niono 33,922,638 51,698
14 AMRAD (Jan-Jun 2019) Gao-Ménaka-Ségou Gao-Wabria-Ménaka-Niono 108,169,571 164,850
Contract for capacity strengthening activities
15 AMASSA Kayes and Koulikoro Nioro/Nara/Kolokani 15,472,318 23,580

*Amount of contracts related to PAIS


Procurement Contracts


Contractor Purpose Address Amount in XOF Amount in EUR
Depot Kone SARL Purchase of NFI / cooking utensils Kalabancoura, Sud extension Rue 305, Porte 1403, Bamako, Mali 66,554,820 101,429
Kasim Kante Purchase of NFI / cooking utensils Dibida, Bamako, Mali 86,973,500 132,547