On the evening of 6 January 2000, my uncle Christopher Luke took me from my mother. I was only 11 years old. My mother walked with us a little of the way until we came to the River Luku where she said goodbye. She hugged me and through her tears told me, “My son, go. You will always remain in my heart. We will meet again in the nearest future.”
We left her standing just near the bridge.
“We have collaborated with WFP and FAO on a number of initiatives aimed at improving resilience and achieving peace and development in Mindanao. It is critical to have stable living conditions, food security and nutrition for all in order to achieve peace.
The main purpose of the summary report is to promote learning from evaluations and draw evidence for collective reflections to inform the design and implementation decisions on the school feeding activities in Congo.
As part of expanded dialogue in recent months, Hungary recently contributed $US 3.5 million to WFP in support of the Ukrainian Government's ‘Grain from Ukraine’ initiative aiding WFP to export grains from Ukraine to assist vulnerable populations in food insecure countries.
The Hungarian government has also agreed to host a new WFP office in Budapest.
Nearly a quarter of the world’s children are estimated to live in conflict- or disaster-affected areas that have experienced protracted crises classified by WFP as level 3 emergencies.
Children, especially girls, are more likely to be out of school in conflict-affected countries.
Worldwide, school feeding has become a comprehensive institutionalized part of a child’s education and developmen
In the countries where WFP works, many people do not have access to a healthy, nutritious diet that would provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy life.
It is the first to be completed under WFP's new Impact Evaluation Strategy. It aims to understand the impacts of women participating in food-assistance for assets (FFA) programming, and receiving a direct cash transfer in return, on food security, consumption, time use, intrahousehold agency, and measures of wellbeing.