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WFP’s Updated Climate Change Policy - 2024
WFP’s updated policy underscores climate change as a major driver of hunger and malnutrition, and outlines WFP’s ambition to reduce and manage the impacts of climate-specific risks on lives, livelihoods and food systems.

Climate change is a threat multiplier for food-insecure populations. It intensifies resource scarcity and worsens the existing social, economic and environmental factors that underpin hunger and malnutrition.

This Climate Change policy updates the 2017 version, aiming to guide the organization’s response to a worsening climate crisis. It focuses on WFP’s climate-specific and climate-relevant action in the context of chronic and acute food insecurity, with a view to supporting government priorities on climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, and loss and damage from climate change. In 2023 alone, WFP supported almost 18 million people in 60 countries with climate services.

The policy further highlights WFP’s value proposition in supporting global, regional and national climate action through a consistent focus on the most climate-vulnerable by advancing climate and disaster protection in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, applying knowledge-based services on climate risk management and working at scale with local and international partners - spearheading climate action in the humanitarian system.