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WFP Regional Resilience Framework: North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Eastern Europe Region
This framework document is intended as a guidance tool for the design, implementation and communication of resilience-building approaches and programmes. The Framework outlines strategic and policy related considerations, programme approach and design support drawing from regional experience and lessons learned, as well as, reference to tools to support the design of resilience-programming at regional level. It was produced along with the WFP Regional Resilience Activity Sheets and Resilience Marker developed by the WFP Regional Bureau Cairo in 2019.

The set of resilience activity sheets was developed to provide descriptions and region-specific examples of how WFP’s work in the 12 corporate activity areas may be positioned to better contribute towards resilience-building of individuals, households, communities & systems. These sheets are associated with the WFP Regional Resilience Framework and Resilience Marker developed by the WFP Regional Bureau Cairo in 2019.