Occasional Paper 26: Social protection and climate change - 2019 (English version) |
Document hors série No. 26: Protection sociale et changement climatique - 2019 (French version) |
Documento especial N°26: La protección social y el cambio climático -2019 (Spanish version) |
Occasional Paper 25: Social Protection and the World Food Programme |
Occasional Paper 24: Food Insecurity and Violent Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Addressing the Challenges |
Occasional Paper 23: WFP and Climate Change: a Review of Ongoing Experience and Recommendations for Action |
Occasional Paper 22: Ability and Readiness of Nations to Reduce Hunger: Analyzing Economic and Governance Capacities for Hunger Reduction |
Occasional Paper 21: Capacity Development for Hunger Solutions: Policy and Operational Frameworks |
Occasional Paper 20: Unveiling Social Safety Nets |
Occasional Paper 19: Agricultural Development and Nutrition: the Policies behind China’s Success (English version) |
Document hors série No.19: Développement agricole et nutrition: Politiques à l’origine du succès chinois (French version) |
Documento especial N°19: Desarrollo agrícola y nutrición: las políticas que han favorecido el éxito de China (Spanish version) |
Occasional Paper 18: Cash and Food Transfers: A Primer (English version) |
Document hors série No.18: Transferts monétaires et aide alimentaire — un premier inventaire (French version) |
Documento especial N°18: Introducción a las transferencias de dinero y de alimentos (Spanish version) |
Occasional Paper 17: Social Protection in the Era of HIV and AIDS - Examining the Role of Food-Based Interventions (English version) |
Document hors série No.17: La protection sociale à l’ère du VIH/sida (French version) |
Documento especial N°17: La protección social en la era del VIH y el SIDA (Spanish version) |
Occasional Paper 16: Food Fortification (English version) |
Document hors série No.16: Enrichissement des aliments sur place pour améliorer la nutrition (French version) |
Documento especial N°16: Enriquecimiento de alimentos sobre el terreno para mejorar la nutrición (Spanish version) |
Occasional Paper 15: Widening the 'Window of Hope' - Using Food Aid to Improve Access to Education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Sub-Saharan Africa -English version |
Document hors série No.15: Faire grandir la lueur d'espoir L'aide alimentaire comme moyen d'améliorer l'accès à l'éducation des orphelins et des autres enfants vulnérables d'Afrique subsaharienne |
Documento especial N°15: Avivar la “llama de la esperanza” Uso de la ayuda alimentaria para mejorar el acceso a la educación de los huérfanos y otros niños vulnerables del África subsahariana |
Occasional Paper 14: Food as Aid: Trends, Needs and Challenges in the 21st Century - English version |
Document hors série No.14: Aide alimentaire: tendances, besoins et défis au 21ème siècle - French version |
Documento especial N°14: Los alimentos como ayuda: tendencias, necesidades y retos en el siglo XXI - Spanish version |
Schriftenreihe des WFP Nr. 14: Nahrungsmittel als Hilfe: Trends, Bedarf und Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert |