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WFP Mozambique - Nutrition and HIV Unit - Current and future programming, August 2020
Undernutrition costs Mozambique 10.9% of GDP each year, equivalent to USD 1.7 billion. As such, undernutrition is a cause as well as a result of poverty. Almost half the population lives in poverty, and around one-third in absolute poverty. The food insecurity of these households is exacerbated by Mozambique's high susceptibility to climate shocks such as cyclones, floods and droughts. Mozambique is also one of only eight countries with an HIV prevalence of over 10%. Malnutrition among people living with HIV (PLHIV) is a serious public health concern. WFP Mozambique’s Nutrition and HIV programmes follow the Humanitarian-Development Nexus, aiming to serve communities in emergencies, assist in their recovery, and help build robust resilience. To learn more, please refer to the WFP Mozambique Nutrition and HIV Unit – Current and future programming document.