The World Bank is financing the Afghanistan Health Emergency Response (HER) project implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and their respective NGO Service Providers (SPs), Cooperating Partners (CPs), and contractors to provide essential health services to the population of Afghanistan. The project development objective (PDO) is to increase the utilization and quality of essential health and nutrition services in Afghanistan. The HER project has the following components:
· Component 1 - “Urgent provision of essential primary and secondary health services”. (UNICEF)
· Component 2 - “Strengthening service delivery and project coordination”. (UNICEF)
· Component 3 - “Strengthening demand and access to enhance nutritional outcomes among the most vulnerable – the Maternal and Child Benefit Program (MCBP)”. (WFP)
Through the second Additional Financing, the HER project will be extended until November 30, 2026, and will introduce a livelihoods intervention through the WFP-implemented MCBP service delivery platform to increase financial protection for better access and use of health and nutrition services.