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WFP and REUNIR – research results of an academic partnership
The partnership between WFP and Sahel University Network (REUNIR) promotes resilience research in the field. This book synthesizes some of the work done by students in the five Sahelian countries.

REUNIR is a network of six universities from five countries: Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Mali. One if its key pillars is to promote the deployment of master's and PhD students from universities to WFP integrated resilience sites to conduct research for their theses. This allows students to gain practical experience and promote action-oriented research that can inform resilience programming, improve the technical quality of interventions and capitalize on concrete solutions for food security and resilience in the Sahel.

The objective of this synthesis book is to share the experiences of good resilience practices implemented in Sahelian countries and the lessons learned from their implementation in order to initiate experience sharing and replicability.