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Summary of evaluation evidence: Prioritization

Brief cover
This summary of evaluation evidence brings together findings from 42 evaluations commissioned by WFP, covering the period 2017-2023. It aims at shedding light on trends and significant differences of approaches across countries and contexts regarding prioritization: categorizing the main drivers of WFP’s prioritization processes, mapping different prioritization approaches and documenting the strategic and operational effects from such decisions.

The summary has global coverage, covering WFP interventions in 41 different countries. Out of the reviewed universe, most were country strategic plan evaluations, and one was a corporate emergency evaluation. 

This summary applied the approach and methods set out in WFP’s technical note on summaries of evaluation evidence, namely:

  • A universe of 42 WFP independent evaluations was collected, all including evidence on prioritization.
  • Evidence was systematically extracted from the evaluations according to key lines of inquiry identified at the framing stage.
  • Evidence was analyzed and clustered around analytical themes, with key patterns and findings identified.
  • The resulting report was drafted and commented upon by stakeholders, being finalised in January 2025.