Environment and Social Management Framework
The Environment and Social Management Framework compiles all risks, mitigation and monitoring measures set out across other SOMOUD instruments. It also sets out the handling of subprojects – determining which interventions are defined as ‘subprojects’ and how they will be screened, assessed, and mitigation measures identified and monitored. A range of tools and templates support this, captured in annexes 1-9. The ESMF also sets out the environmental legal framework, implementation arrangements, the capacity building required, and provides an indicative budget for implementation of all Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs).
Social Assessment and Social Development Plan
A Social Assessment (SA) and Social Development Plan (SDP) assess the risks and impacts of the project on indigenous and vulnerable communities, including Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities, and to provide mitigation measures for those risks. It includes a review of legal and policy frameworks and describes the baseline situation in the Project areas focusing on the identified vulnerable groups of women, youth, IDPs, settlers, nomads, agricultural and mining labour. It describes the key issues shaping social risks of relevance to this project, and describes all relevant risks and mitigation measures in the Social Development Plan.
Labour Management Procedures
The Labour Management Procedures set out the range of project workers engaged on the Somoud project, and the different risks and mitigation measures relating to these different categories of project workers. It sets out the policy and legal frameworks relating to the different categories of workers, and explains the process of contractor management. It sets out specific approaches to child labour, and how the project’s Grievance Redress Mechanism is relevant to the different categories of project workers.
Chance Finds Procedure
This instrument describes actions to take in the event of encountering previously unknown cultural heritage during project activities. It sets out how such chance finds will be handled, including provisions for handling individual small artefacts, as well as for handling a cluster of artefacts/archeological site.
Integrated Pest Management Plan
The Integrated Pest Management Plan seeks to promote the use of environmentally and socially friendly practices for pest management, and reduce the use of synthetic pesticides. It sets out the legal & policy frameworks concerning pest management, environmental and social risks related to pesticides, the common pests relevant to the crops to be supported under SOMOUD, as well as the range of pest and disease management practices relevant to these crops. It provides guidance on appropriate control measures, as well as for the safe handling of pesticides.