WFP works to ensure that any food assistance provided can be consumed as safely, efficiently and nutritiously as possible. While cooking may be thought of as a risk-free activity, in many circumstances, especially humanitarian settings, it poses serious health, safety, financial and environmental risks. SAFE (Safe Access to Fuel and Energy) adopts a multi-faceted approach to meet the energy needs of beneficiaries worldwide through sustainable energy-related activities. WFP's SAFE programme contributes to improving livelihoods, human and social capital, empowerment, energy poverty and environmental degradation though a set of energy- and livelihood related activities
- Every year approximately 3.8 million people die from health problems related to inhaling smoke from burning solid fuels, more than malaria and tuberculosis combined.
- The growing demand for natural resources causes deforestation and desertification, further causing community conflicts.
- The financial and time costs of acquiring fuel is high for many families.
The following publications highlight the aims and facts of the SAFE initiative.
PDF | 2.87 MB
Democratic Republic of the Congo
PDF | 1.99 MB
PDF | 1.23 MB
Burundi (English)
PDF | 2.57 MB
Burundi (French)
PDF | 2 MB
Burundi - Appraisal Report (English)
PDF | 1.34 MB
Sudan - Information leaflet
PDF | 2.38 MB
PDF | 2.72 MB
PDF | 2.18 MB
PDF | 2.26 MB
Sri Lanka
PDF | 1.84 MB
PDF | 2.8 MB