It complements the 2020 Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation on the Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls, which focused on gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action.
The Review, as a companion piece to the evaluation, identifies constraints that need to be addressed to achieve greater inclusion of GEEWG in the triple nexus and suggests practical measures to be undertaken to this end. Based on an analysis of the main constraining factors, such as a lack of strategic vision and coordination in this area, the Review suggests two actions for consideration: 1) the establishment of a Task Force under the umbrella of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) to coordinate work on GEEWG mainstreaming in the nexus process; and 2) the implementation of two country pilots to test and learn from the operationalization of GEEWG within and across humanitarian, development and peace action in-country. These suggestions will be followed up through a statement by key stakeholders that outlines how the proposed actions will be addressed.