WFP’s Medium-Term Programme Framework (MTPF) responding to the development emergency caused by COVID-19 sets out a high-level vision and new way of working for WFP to help countries mitigate the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic and build back better. This framework builds on the system-wide L3 emergency activation and covers the period from May 2020 to the end of the year and beyond.
Given its presence in over 80 countries, its enabling and delivery capabilities, and dual roles spanning the UN Development System (UNDS) and the international humanitarian architecture, WFP is uniquely positioned to support governments and partners to quickly adapt, design and deliver their own interventions.
The MTPF operates through three pillars of intervention that are central to effective, efficient and equitable response and where WFP has demonstrated value as a partner to governments and others:
1. National social protection systems;
2. Basic service delivery - school-based programmes and nutrition; and
3. Food systems.
Cutting across these pillars are three areas through which WFP and its partners can provide tailored support to national responses – data and analytics, programme and policy advice, and operational support.
The MTPF embodies a shift in how WFP will integrate its capacities, efforts, and partnerships to achieve the highest overall impact in the face of expanding and changing needs brought on by the pandemic.
Given its presence in over 80 countries, its enabling and delivery capabilities, and dual roles spanning the UN Development System (UNDS) and the international humanitarian architecture, WFP is uniquely positioned to support governments and partners to quickly adapt, design and deliver their own interventions.
The MTPF operates through three pillars of intervention that are central to effective, efficient and equitable response and where WFP has demonstrated value as a partner to governments and others:
1. National social protection systems;
2. Basic service delivery - school-based programmes and nutrition; and
3. Food systems.
Cutting across these pillars are three areas through which WFP and its partners can provide tailored support to national responses – data and analytics, programme and policy advice, and operational support.
The MTPF embodies a shift in how WFP will integrate its capacities, efforts, and partnerships to achieve the highest overall impact in the face of expanding and changing needs brought on by the pandemic.