- WFP provides assistance in the form of cash/voucher or in-kind through the PRRO poorest resettling IDPs and returnees to enable them to reestablish their livelihoods.
- Assistance for Asset Creation (FFA) schemes helps to reduce disaster risks through various activities including tree planting at water catchment tanks as an establishment of water harvesting structures. Agricultural support activities and rehabilitation of community infrastructure such as development of farmlands, improvement of farm and market access roads and rebuilding food storage units are also assisted through in-kind or cash/voucher assistance in exchange of the participants’ work.
- Food for Training (FFT) participants are trained in marketable skills. It provides vocational training to enhance income generation skills . The participants are being given with family food rations after completion of skills trainings.
- WFP supports Nutrition activities focusing prevention and treatment of Moderately Acute Malnutrition (MAM) among children aged 6 to 59 months, as well as, pregnant and lactating mothers.
- School Meals Programme (SMP) representing a sturdy safety net providing children with daily nutritious meals at school, while addressing the issue of short-term hunger and the retention of children in schools and general investment to human capital.
- WFP helps in strengthening the national capacities by developing the capabilities of Government partners and counterparts and building stronger community level resilience, specially enabling partners to undertake food security and nutritional assessment in the country.
- WFP Sri Lanka invest in disaster preparedness and mitigation through a separate climate change adaptation initiative jointly implemented with the State Ministry of Environment. Through the programme WFP/Government are strengthening the community level resilience to possible climatic shocks in the future.
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