This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Peru Country Office and covers the entire Strategic Outcome 1 of its Country Strategic Plan and the period from January 2017 to June 2021. This evaluation is formative in nature and its purpose is to provide evidence and learning from the implementation of this Strategic Outcome for decision-making at the country level and to contribute to the strategic planning of other WFP offices in contexts similar to Peru.
The evaluation team applied concurrently quantitative and qualitative methods, to arrive to evaluation findings. Five key evaluation questions covering the criteria of relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, and gender guided the evaluation process:
- Were the activities implemented under Strategic Outcome 1 adapted to the changing context that had emerged during the execution period of the Country Strategic Plan?
- To what extent are the actions implemented under Strategic Outcome 1 in synergy and interrelated with the other strategic outcomes of the Country Office?
- Have the results of the activities implemented under Strategic Outcome 1 prioritized those that involved lower costs and higher benefits?
- To what extent have the main expected results of Strategic Outcome 1 been achieved?
- To what extent has gender approach been included as a transversal activity during the implementation of the activities under Strategic Outcome 1?
Key evaluation findings include:
- The Strategic Outcome 1 adapted to the circumstances of the country's political crises in the last five years, as well as the emergency caused by COVID-19.
- There are synergies and coherence of Strategic Outcome 1 with the other strategic outcomes. Strategic Outcome 1 reaches the vulnerable population through the other strategic outcomes, mobilizing resources from the private sector.
- Resources were mobilized and leveraged to expand the scope of results.
- The implementation of Strategic Outcome 1 has achieved the expected results, mobilizing allies from the private sector and the media, as well as from the public sector and civil society, together with other strategic outcomes and support units of the Country Office.
- The gender approach is not visible in the Strategic Outcome 1.
Key evaluation recommendations are:
- Develop a communication, partnership and advocacy strategy with a clear and previously established course that contributes to finding solutions to improve food and nutritional security and achieve Zero Hunger.
- Maintain a Strategic Outcome 1 in the future, with a double perspective: (i) a transversal one that supports the other strategic outcomes in its goals; and (ii) another programmatic one to achieve alliances and incidence that promote policies and projects to achieve behavioural change in the general population.
- Continue leveraging resources to carry out the communication, advocacy, and mobilization activities of the Strategic Outcome 1 to meet population´s new needs generated by COVID-19 and expand the coverage and scope of the activities that are carried out, continuing working together with the other strategic outcomes and identifying costs and intangible income.
- Take advantage of the capacities and lessons learned from Strategic Outcome 1 so that WFP assumes a coordinating role between Government, private sector, and civil society; providing technical assistance and advocating at national level to keep Zero Hunger on the national agenda.
- Define and create the type of gender approach of the Strategic Outcome 1 in the next CSP based on the WFP Gender Policy, which allows the identification of gender advancement and women's empowerment results.