The purpose of the peer review is to inform the strengthening of WFP’s evaluation function so that it can more effectively contribute to WFP’s organizational decision making, programme effectiveness, learning and accountability for results. The terms of reference and guiding questions for the review were structured in line with the UNEG framework and aimed to “provide an independent and professional assessment of the WFP evaluation function on the extent to which the UNEG Norms and Standards have been adopted by WFP”.
The assessment focuses on the independence, credibility and utility of the WFP evaluation function and on how effectively evaluations were used and followed up on throughout WFP to promote accountability, learning and improvement. The review covers both the centralized and decentralized components of WFP’s evaluation function and assesses the role and strategic positioning of financial and human resourcing, evaluation planning, evaluation use and quality assurance mechanisms. It focuses on the period of the current evaluation policy, which covers 2016–2021, and builds on findings from prior assessments, the most recent of which is the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) assessment covering the period from 2017 to 2018.