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Nutrition Integration: A cross-cutting WFP priority
Recognizing the worsening global nutrition situation, WFP's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan emphasizes nutrition integration across its systems and services. This integration focuses on enhancing and adjusting approaches to support improved outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Key aspects include designing Country Strategic Plans (CSPs) with explicit nutrition objectives, developing a skilled workforce to optimize nutrition interventions, and collaborating with governments to ensure effective food assistance. 

By 2025, WFP aims for 80% of those it serves to meet their nutritional needs through fortified foods, specialized nutritious foods, and diet diversification. Success measures involve strategic analysis, staffing, program design, and system enhancements to support CSP implementation and achieve significant reductions in malnutrition.

The World Food Programme (WFP) aims to address and reduce malnutrition to achieve zero hunger, a core objective of Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2).