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Nigeria, Joint Evaluation of Social Protection for SDGs in Nigeria Project
Findings and recommendations to inform new policies and country strategic plans

This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the UN System in Nigeria and covers the UN-Government Joint Programme to Accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria from January 2020 June 2022: Institutionalizing social protection for accelerated SDG implementation in Nigeria (Joint Programme, JP), implemented by UNICEF, WFP, ILO and UNDP.

The evaluation was carried out in 2022-2023 and covered the activities of the Joint Programme which were aimed at enhancing social protection at the federal and state level in Nigeria (SDG target 1.3).

The evaluation was commissioned to: i) Assess how the JP responded to the needs of the most vulnerable households. ii) Assess the performance of the JP in achieving expected results. iii) Determine the programme’s effective and/or intended or unintended benefits and higher-level effects of social protection interventions. It was intended for the promotion of accountability, documentation and learning.

Key evaluation findings included:

  1. The UN SDG project alleviated recipients’ financial burdens and encouraged them to seek professional health care.
  2. The cash transfers contributed to meeting immediate needs.
  3. High levels of redistribution among health insurance recipients suggest that a more universal targeting approach is more suitable for the context.
  4. The SDG project fostered collaboration and coordination among key government social protection stakeholders to strengthen the foundation of a nationally owned system.
  5. A blended, phased approach is more suitable for institutional social protection programmes.