The potential environmental and social risks for project activities are identified as:
- Potential exclusion of disadvantaged or vulnerable households;
- Potential exclusion of ethnic minorities due to access challenges or language barriers;
- Risks to project workers (including health/safety/security risks, discrimination, child labour or forced labour, COVID-19 risks, and sexual exploitation and abuse risks);
- Solid waste management risks from inappropriate disposal of food packaging;
- Food safety risks from improper procurement, storage, transport and distribution of food that may result in negative health and safety impacts (including pest related diseases).
- Risks to community members (including safety/security risks in collecting assistance, discrimination/ exclusion, COVID-19 risks, and sexual exploitation and abuse risks);
- COVID-19 Risks
- Potential for insufficient stakeholder engagement and grievance management.
These risks will be managed and mitigated through the application of:
- The project’s operational design for targeting and selection of communities and beneficiaries;
- WFP policies, guidelines and operational practices (including the Environmental Policy, and People Policy, Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines, the Food Storage Manual, and standard Operating Procedures on COVID-19, protection for sexual exploitation and abuse);
-World Bank standards and practices (including Occupational and Health and Safety Standards, good practice note on sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment)
- The measures included in this ESMF and the Annexes to this ESMF (including simplified Labour Management Procedures, Solid Waste Management Procedures, Landmine Procedures, and a Safety and Security Approach); and
- The Stakeholder Engagement Plan prepared for this project.