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Myanmar Community Resilience Project 2022: Executive Summary
Under the Myanmar Community Resilience Project (MCRP), the World Bank will be supporting World Food Programme’s (WFP’s) proposed interventions within the scope of its life-saving food and nutrition assistance to conflict-affected populations in Myanmar. The objective of the MCRP is to maintain and build resilience of vulnerable populations to enable their future development.

WFP interventions under the Project will support targeted relief and nutrition assistance through food transfers and cash-based transfers to populations affected by crisis, as well as provision of specialized nutritiousfoods to pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls and children under 5.

This Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared to identify the potential environmental and social risks and impacts of proposed Project activities and propose suitable mitigation measures to manage these risks and impacts. It maps out the general WFP and World Bank policies appliable for the Project, and describes the principles, approaches, implementation arrangements, and environmental and social mitigation measures to be followed.