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Lebanon, School Feeding in Emergencies: an evaluation
Findings and recommendations to inform new policies and country strategic plans.

The Evaluation of Emergency School Feeding (ESF) Activities in Lebanon from 2016 until 2019 is part of a four-country Evaluation Series on ESF commissioned by WFP School-based Programmes Unit (SBP) and made possible by a multi-year Canadian contribution to WFP. 

The evaluation provides accountability to Canada and other donors contributing to WFP ESF in the four countries, as well as to the wider humanitarian community. It also promotes learning at the strategic and operational levels, both globally and in-country. Findings from the individual country evaluations feed into a synthesis of lessons learned on ESF that will be presented in a separate synthesis report.

The evaluation series has been timed to inform the implementation of a new 10-year school feeding strategy for WFP. The strategy covers school feeding in development contexts as well as in emergency and fragile contexts. Expected users of the Lebanon evaluation report are WFP Country Office (CO) staff, the Regional Bureau (RB) in Cairo, and at headquarters (HQ). The report is also likely to be of interest to other partners and donors.