In 2022, Sri Lanka faced an unprecedented economic crisis, coupled with high inflation, soaring prices, unfavourable harvests and depleted foreign reserves leading to a substantial impact on food security. As a result, 28 percent of the population were estimated to be food insecure, according to the WFP-FAO Joint Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM -May 2022).
In 2023, WFP and FAO jointly conducted a second CFSAM in March, based on a sample of 15,035 households designed to produce representative estimates at district level.
Between August and September 2023, WFP conducted a follow-up survey of 8,633 households of which 4,398 households were selected from the previous round to constitute a panel sample while the remaining 4,235 were randomly selected from a new sample frame.
World Food Programme, 2024. Household Food Security Survey Overview 2023, Sri Lanka.