The evaluation covered CSP and T-ICSP activities implemented between January 2018 and mid-2023. It assessed WFP’s strategic positioning and the extent to which the organization made the shifts expected under the CSP; WFP’s effectiveness in contributing to strategic outcomes; the efficiency with which the CSP was implemented; and factors explaining WFP’s performance.
The evaluation concluded that WFP is recognized as a key partner of the Malian government and has supported designing and implementing various policies. WFP also has a strong standing in the humanitarian community, thanks to its wide reach and presence in the most complex areas of the country.
The evaluation also noted WFP's strong output-level results, particularly for the yearly emergency responses, but also for its increasingly integrated resilience portfolio, which includes social protection approaches. The country office aimed at a vast coverage of needs, sometimes with lower rations, when resources were insufficient. The growing beneficiary numbers over the course of the CSP speak for WFP’s ability to respond effectively.
The evaluation recommended that WFP continues the path of integrating the delivery of the resilience programme, including for planning and monitoring. In addition, the new CSP should also develop stronger links between the resilience package and the emergency response, which will operationalize the humanitarian-development nexus.
The new CSP should strengthen WFP's approach to planning and design, particularly for clarifying objectives for capacity-strengthening activities, but also for integrating sustainability. To facilitate implementation, WFP should pursue multi-year partnership frameworks that support longer-term transformative results, while strengthening the capacities of cooperating partners.
WFP should also focus on collaborative risk and context analysis, with a view to strengthen accountability to affected populations. WFP should maintain its crucial logistics capacities despite the growing focus on cash-based transfers during the CSP.