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Evaluation of Lesotho WFP Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024
The evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Office of Evaluation to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the next country strategic plan (CSP) for Lesotho.

The evaluation covered CSP activities implemented between July 2019 to mid-2023 and also took account of T-ICSP covering January 2018 – June 2019. It assessed: WFP’s strategic positioning and the extent to which the organization made the shifts expected under the CSP; WFP’s effectiveness in contributing to strategic outcomes; the efficiency with which the CSP was implemented; and factors explaining WFP’s performance.

The evaluation concluded that:

The basic strategic orientation of the CSP was appropriate for WFP in Lesotho, it was well aligned with national policies and with the joint objectives of the United Nations system.

The CSP was relevant to the needs of the vulnerable, but the scale of WFP's humanitarian responses was limited by financial constraints. These constraints limited the delivery at the scale envisaged by the original CSP as well as the efforts to bridge the humanitarian-development nexus.

WFP was insufficiently analytical in its design of resilience building activities. Similarly, the reorientation towards capacity strengthening made significant progress, however the time needed for analysis, design and implementation limited the effectiveness and sustainability.

The country office made efforts to mainstream gender across its activities, but ensuring gender-transformative programming was limited by staff time and capacity. There is a risk of overstretching the human resources.