The evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Office of Evaluation to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the next country strategic plan (CSP) for Kenya
The evaluation covered all WFP activities implemented between July 2018 and June 2022 including WFP’s strategic positioning, its effectiveness in contributing to strategic outcomes, the efficiency of CSP implementation and factors explaining WFP’s performance.
The evaluation concluded that:
- Despite a highly ambitious vision for a strategic shift from “delivering” to “enabling”, the CSP made partial progress in most areas of engagement, WFP’s strategic positioning was relevant, valued by all stakeholders, and effectively adapted to evolving national priorities and needs.
- The CSP supported large amounts of beneficiaries, but with less food than planned due to funding constraints and increasing needs. WFP made progress in achieving gender equality and inclusion objectives and strove to increase access to assistance for hard-to reach populations. It fostered close partnerships with Government.
- While significant siloing and cross-programme integration issues remain, there are promising efforts underway to address these concerns.
- Finally, WFP’s vision of a strategic shift towards enabling capacities is currently mismatched with a budget strongly weighted towards emergency response. Sustaining this shift will require longer-term commitments by donors, whose policies and strategies may not be fully coherent with WFP’s vision of a strategic shift.