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A zero-hunger world requires a socially equitable, clean and healthy environment – which is why the World Food Programme (WFP) is committed to applying the highest standards in its interactions with the people, communities and governments we serve, and the natural environment on which we all depend. Environmental Sustainability is therefore one of our cross-cutting priorities in the 2022-2025 WFP Strategic Plan.

Our approach  

WFP integrates sustainability across our programmes and operations by following an Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF). This consists of a set of principles, standards and tools, aligned with international regulations, that ensure we operate at the highest possible standards and limits potentially negative impacts on people and the environment. 

Sustainability across WFP

Environmental and Social Safeguards for programme activities
WFP is committed to improving the environmental and social sustainability outcomes of our programme operations. The Environmental and Social Safeguards identify, avoid or manage potentially negative risks and effects of WFP’s programmes, by systematically integrating WFP’s Environmental and Social Standards into the design and implementation of our programmes.
Integrating sustainability in support operations
WFP’s Environmental Management System (based on the principles of International Standard ISO 14001) helps us identify, manage and reduce any negative environmental impacts resulting from our support operations, including facilities management, information technology, procurement and transport. Focus areas include waste management and water conservation, encouraging sustainable procurement and staff training on environmental management, energy efficiency and decarbonization.
Decarbonization and the Energy Efficiency Programme
WFP’s Energy Efficiency Programme supports WFP facilities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including through solar and hybrid power systems in field locations, and energy-efficient lighting and heating or cooling units. We also created a WFP Decarbonization Fund, which is open to contributions from donors. The Fund collects revenue from internal carbon taxes on vehicles and commercial air travel, to fund the Energy Efficiency Programme and other decarbonization projects.
Embedding sustainability across the supply chain
WFP embeds sustainability considerations across its supply chain operations from sourcing to delivery, measuring greenhouse gas emissions to help prioritize interventions and curb environmental impact. WFP explores environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient practices in collaboration with suppliers and partners, to both mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
Complaints and Feedback Mechanism
WFP strives to create a transparent and effective Complaints and Feedback Mechanism to allow stakeholders, partners, communities and individuals to report environmental and social standards violations. These standards include protecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights, preventing child labour, and zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. Infringement could be by WFP or any of our partners. This mechanism allows for prompt and confidential processing. Complaints should be sent to:


For Environmental and Social Safeguards: 

For Environmental Sustainability of support operations: 

For Sustainable Supply Chain: