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Ensuring food and nutrition security in climate fragilities and disasters: the 31 inspiring practices

Author: WFP India & National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
This good practice compendium is an outcome of ‘the Map and Exchange Good Practices (MEGP) Initiative’ jointly led by National institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) and United Nations World Food Programme.

NIDM and WFP joined hands together to mainstream the agenda of food and nutrition security in India’s emergency preparedness and response. Impacts of climate change and disasters on Food security and nutrition are significant. Disaster disrupts all critical dimensions of food security and nutrition, including physical and economic access, availability, and utilisation. Climate fragilities can lead to even more catastrophic and long-term impacts. Knowledge sharing and co-learning platforms have great potential to fast-track policy and practice reforms. With sectoral focus on food security and nutrition, the MEGP initiative reached to a range of Asian stakeholders including grass root practitioners, NGOs, private sectors and government departments to identify proven solutions from across the spectrum of humanitarian, DRR and climate change adaptation.  

This book collates good practices and innovative solutions that have succeeded in addressing complex problems around food security and nutrition and offers potential for replication and scale-up. The case stories illustrated here will interest range of audiences including humanitarian practitioners, policy makers, researchers, innovators, private sector, donor agencies and government officials committed to foster support to grass root innovations.