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Burundi, Home-Grown School Feeding Programme: Impact Evaluation

Cover of the home grown school feeding impact evaluation in Malawi inception note
This inception note was prepared by the WFP’s Office of Evaluation (OEV) and World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) department based upon a completed pilot lean impact evaluation of the home-grown school feeding programme in Burundi during the 2022/2023 scholastic year and a feasibility assessment undertaken during an in-country mission, which included consultations with key stakeholders in June 2023.

The purpose of the inception note is to summarize and externally present key information about the impact evaluation, inform stakeholders, guide the evaluation team, and set out expectations during the various evaluation phases.

This impact evaluation will assess the impact of introducing the Commodity Vouchers procurement model on children’s outcomes (i.e. health, nutrition, learning, and behaviours) compared with a centralized procurement model. It will also assess the impact of introducing the Commodity Vouchers procurement model on agricultural cooperatives, their members, and local markets.

The evaluation takes place from June 2023 to June 2026, covering programme activities from January 2024 to January 2026.