In recent years, Malawi has faced successive climatic shocks. In March 2019, the country was hit by Cyclone Idai, affecting over 800,000 people and causing an estimated US$220 million in loss and damages. During the 2020/2021 lean season (November 2020 – March 2021), over 2.6 million people were estimated to be food insecure.
The Livelihoods Programme leverages WFP’s long-standing field presence and partnership base to implement Food For Assets (FFA), the Integrated Risk Management Programme (IRMP), and Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAMS) programmes in an integrated approach.
The Livelihoods Programme leverages WFP’s long-standing field presence and partnership base to implement Food For Assets (FFA), the Integrated Risk Management Programme (IRMP), and Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAMS) programmes in an integrated approach.
In Malawi, the livelihoods Programme is part of the WFP’s integrated resilience building portfolio, which also includes established linkages to Forecast Based Financing, Shock Responsive Social Protection, nutrition-sensitive and Home-Grown School Feeding Programme. Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) forms an integral part of the project to influence positive behavioural change through messages on nutrition, gender, agriculture, health and sanitation using all possible communication channels.
WFP’s FFA programme aims to increase agricultural productivity by supporting 128,000 households in eight districts (Balaka, Blantyre, Chikwawa, Machinga, Mangochi, Phalombe, Nsanje and Zomba).