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2021 - COVID-19 Response In Malawi: “The work did not stop”, May 2021
While the first cases of COVID-19 were only confirmed in Malawi in early April 2020, the Government enforced preventive measures from March which required a rapid adjustment of planned activities in order to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on WFP’s operations in Malawi. WFP Malawi has continued to deliver key services within the framework of its Country Strategic Plan, supporting the Government of Malawi to respond to the pandemic.

WFP led urban cash distributions in 7 district towns, namely Balaka, Nsanje, Neno, Machinga, Mangochi, Dedza and Salima reaching 53,000 people (11,000 households).


WFP Malawi, as co-lead of the National Logistics Cluster, has provided logistical support to the COVID-19 Response ensuring that augmented storage, transport capacity, and engineering support are available to the Government and humanitarian partners. For instance, WFP has deployed Mobile Units at border posts (for screening and isolation), in health centres (for testing and vaccination) and in Dzaleka Refugee Camp (for testing and isolation).


WFP, through the Education Cluster, advocated with the Government for the adaptation of school feeding programmes to the school closure in the form of take-home support to contribute to the children’s food and nutrition security. WFP provided an initial take-home support in 452 primary schools with school feeding in seven districts, resulting in close to 600,000 children (50 percent girls) receiving school meals via take-home rations, either as in-kind assistance or cash transfers. Furthermore, distributions of take-home rations were used to share key health messages on hygiene, gender, protection, education, and COVID-19 mitigating measures.