WFP's school meals programme in Malawi introduces renewable energy cooking solutions in 13 schools, using biogas and solar PV to demonstrate their viability, adoptability and benefits in rural areas.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed "Activating Climate-Smart Agricultural Livelihoods in Somalia" (ACALS) project.
WFP has been working with the Government and local authorities to help implement the National School Nutrition Reform, initiated by the First Lady, which aims to provide every child with daily nutritious meals.
The terms of reference (TOR) aim to inform stakeholders about the evaluation, clarify expectations and requirements and guide the evaluation team in its work during the various phases of the evaluation.
The South-South Quarterly Newsletter offers updates on WFP’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) initiatives at global, regional, and local levels, highlighting key projects, partnerships, and solutions.
The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) measures women’s inclusion in agricultural decision-making, access to resources, and leadership, providing insights to enhance gender equality and food security in rural communities.
This decentralized end-line activity evaluation, commissioned by the Cambodia country office, is for the KOICA-supported Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Programme in Cambodia, covering the period from March 2020 to August 2024.
The Returning to Our Roots cookbook is a celebration of the rich, diverse, and empowering culinary traditions that have sustained the Caribbean for generations.
Final evaluation of adapting to climate change through integrated risk management services and enhance market opportunities for resilient food security and livelihoods in Malawi from 2020 to 2025
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geospatial Data for Climate Disaster Risk Assessment in Cambodia, providing critical insights for effective disaster preparedness and resilience-building.
These evidence reports analyze the outcomes of the 2023/24 anticipatory action activations in four southern African countries: Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. They present key recommendations on what worked well and areas for improvement to inform future activations in the region.
This updated resilience policy guides the WFP’s resilience strengthening efforts by clarifying who, where and what will be prioritized, in a context of unprecedented humanitarian needs driven by multiple shocks.