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United Republic of Tanzania country strategic plan (2022–2027)

Operation ID: TZ02

CSP approved at EB June 2022 session

Revision 01 approved by the RD in September 2022

Revision 02 approved by the RD in October 2023

Revision 03 approved by the CD in July 2024

The United Republic of Tanzania achieved lower-middle-income status in 2020 following consecutive decades of economic growth. Agriculture is a critical element of the national economy and provides a livelihood for the majority of the population. Despite sustained progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2 targets, a significant share of the population remains food insecure and malnourished. Climate change and environmental degradation threaten the achievement of long-term development objectives and gender inequalities continue to prevent the country from realizing its full economic potential.

Through the country strategic plan for 2022–2027, WFP will continue to support government efforts to deliver equitable and inclusive economic growth for the people of the United Republic of Tanzania through investments in human capital, resilient livelihoods and nutritious diets. The country strategic plan is firmly anchored in and guided by national policy frameworks and the strategic priorities of the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework.

Based on an analysis of food system dynamics, the strategic outcomes and activities of the plan seek to improve efficiencies and strengthen capacities across the value chain from production to consumption while ensuring access to nutritious food and essential services for the most vulnerable. Building on experience in the areas of emergency food assistance and disaster risk reduction, smallholder market access, social protection and nutrition, the country strategic plan will also introduce new activities in the areas of school feeding, climate resilience, sustainable energy and supply chains. Particular emphasis in this plan will go towards rural women economic empowerment and the generation of job opportunities for the rural youth along selected food value chains. Overall, 59 percent of total direct beneficiaries and 50 percent of smallholder farmers directly supported by this CSP will be women.

The provision of technical assistance to government institutions and a market-driven approach based on collaboration with the private sector are prominent features of the country strategic plan. WFP will seek to develop sustainable and gender-transformative interventions that address the root causes of inequalities linked to gender, age and disability through four strategic outcomes:

➢ Strategic outcome 1: Crisis-affected populations in the United Republic of Tanzania can meet their essential food and nutrition needs in anticipation of, during and in the aftermath of shocks and build resilience to shocks and stressors by 2027.

➢ Strategic outcome 2: Vulnerable populations in prioritized districts consume more diversified and nutrient-rich diets and have improved access to nutrition, health and education services that contribute to human capital development all year round.

➢ Strategic outcome 3: Populations in targeted districts achieve climate-resilient rural livelihoods and improved food security and nutrition through sustained smallholder access to markets, enhanced value chains and sustainable management of natural resources by 2030.

➢ Strategic outcome 4: Government institutions and development partners in the United Republic of Tanzania have improved access to on-demand services and innovation platforms throughout the year.