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The Sudan country strategic plan (2019 - 2024)

Operation ID: SD02

CSP approved at EB.2/2018

Revision 02 approved by the ED in May 2020

Revision 03 approved by the ED in February 2021

Revision 04 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2021

Revision 05 approved by the RD in May 2023

Revision 06 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2023

Revision 07 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2024

The Sudan is a lower-middle-income country transitioning to peace and development with the potential to reach the Sustainable Development Goal 2 targets. However, a large number of displaced people, including refugees from neighbouring countries, a volatile economic situation, increased climate variability, environmental degradation, poor natural resource management and the risk of relapse into violence present significant hunger challenges.

In response to these challenges, Sudan’s zero hunger strategic review (covering the period 2017–2030) outlines interventions to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2, with analysis identifying gaps and national priorities. The review suggests the development of stronger partnerships to enhance national capacities to end malnutrition, achieve sustainable food systems, promote peace, respond effectively to emergencies and promote self-reliance of those affected by hunger. The review highlights opportunities for WFP to leverage its comparative advantage in strengthening the capacity of national stakeholders to deliver evidence-based interventions that will save lives and enhance development.

The country office’s five-year country strategic plan (2019–2023) proposes four interlinked strategic outcomes guided by the SDGs, with three contributing to SDG 2 and one to SDG 17.

The strategic outcomes were developed in close collaboration with national partners and incorporate a nexus approach aimed at improving Sudan’s capacity to reduce hunger and malnutrition while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals for poverty, education, gender equality, climate action and peacebuilding.

Activities under strategic outcome 1 – responding to new and protracted emergencies – will be aimed at ensuring that humanitarian action is strategically linked to development and peacebuilding while strengthening government and non-government partnerships to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. WFP will ensure a timely response, help build self-reliance and promote durable solutions for access to food, nutrition and livelihoods. Strategic outcome 2 is aimed at reducing malnutrition and its root causes through an integrated package of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions. Strategic outcome 3 is focused on strengthening the resilience of food-insecure households and food systems while strengthening the capacity of national actors. Key elements include productive safety nets for chronically food-insecure rural households and reducing post-harvest losses for smallholder farmers and their associations. Strategic outcome 4 is aimed at- strengthening systems and structures for the provision of humanitarian and development common services, through both service delivery and technical assistance relating to air services, logistics, information and communications technology.

These efforts will be supported by strong government leadership to ensure sustainability; complementary Sustainable Development Goals activities implemented by partners such as the United Nation’s Children Fund and the other Rome-based agencies; and coordinated programmes focusing on other related Sustainable Development Goals, led by the Government and partner organizations. In addition, national platforms, frameworks and resources, including those of government entities and private sector partners, will be incorporated to maximize the impact of this country strategic plan.