Peru country strategic plan (2023–2026)
Operation ID: PE02
CSP approved at EB November 2022 session
Revision 01 approved by the CD in December 2024
Revision 02 approved by the CD in January 2025
Over the last two decades, Peru has achieved remarkable economic growth, emerging in 2008 as an upper-middle-income country. In the same period, poverty has halved and chronic malnutrition in children under 5 has fallen.
However, since 2017, the country has faced major challenges. Public expenditure has fallen steadily, monetary poverty has risen and the frequency and intensity of climate-related emergencies has increased, slowing progress in reducing structural inequalities. The COVID-19 pandemic has also threatened advances made in the fight against poverty and malnutrition. In 2021, 51 percent of the population was in moderate or severe food insecurity, and obesity and overweight trends in children and adolescents were increasing.
Under the country strategic plan for 2023–2026, WFP will scale up its support to the Peruvian Government as it seeks to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17. The organization will strengthen its role as a key enabling partner at the national and subnational levels in the implementation of food policies and practices aimed at reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. WFP will enhance its emergency response capacity and continue to advocate a stronger adaptive and shock-responsive national social protection system that enables people to meet their own food security, nutrition and associated essential needs and better prepare for, respond to and recover from shocks and stressors. WFP will also implement programmes designed to improve the nutritional status of the most vulnerable populations while building their resilience to the impacts of climate change and protracted and multi-pronged crises. The 2023–2026 country strategic plan is closely aligned with the national strategic development plan, Visión del Perú al 2050, and with the strategic priorities laid out in the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework for 2022–2026, namely: wellbeing and equal access to opportunities; environment, climate change and disaster risk management; competitiveness and inclusive and sustainable productivity; and effective democratic governance and equitable exercise of citizenship.
To deliver on these strategic priorities, the country strategic plan for 2023–2026 contains the following outcomes:
➢ Outcome 1: Crisis-affected populations in Peru are able to meet their urgent food, nutrition and associated essential needs before and during multi-pronged crises and disasters between 2023 and 2026.
➢ Outcome 2: Indigenous people and populations most at risk of malnutrition in Peru have improved nutritional status by 2026.
➢ Outcome 3: By 2026, indigenous people and other populations that are vulnerable to climate change in Peru are better adapted to climate change, more resilient to climaterelated disasters and part of more sustainable, inclusive and equitable food systems.
➢ Outcome 4: The Government and humanitarian and development actors in Peru are reliably supported by efficient and effective supply chain and other services by 2026.
WFP will work with the Peruvian Government and the private sector together with other United Nations agencies, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and civil society entities, fostering partnerships with donors and other cooperation actors to deliver the expected results and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
Operation documents | File |
CSP Document |
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Resource situation | File |
Resource Situation |
PDF | 86.47 KB
Annual country report - See all annual country reports | File |
ACR 2023 |
Web page
ACR 2023 |
PDF | 9.77 MB