Mali country strategic plan (2020 - 2026)
Operation ID: ML02
CSP approved at the EB November 2019 session
Revision 01 approved by the DED in March 2020
Revision 02 approved by the CD in May 2020.
Revision 03 approved by the RD in October 2020.
Revision 04 approved by the ED in August 2021
Revision 05 approved by the ED-DGFAO in June 2022
Revision 06 approved by the RD in November 2023
Revision 07 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2024
In Mali, the combined effects of frequent drought and increased insecurity have contributed to a progressive deterioration of livelihoods. Beyond recurrent natural and human-caused shocks, other key challenges include high demographic growth, widespread poverty and underemployment and the degradation of the agro-ecological resource base.
On average 3.6 million people – 18 percent of the population – are food-insecure each year. Malnutrition in its various forms exacts a high human and economic toll – the estimated annual loss in productivity due to malnutrition is equivalent to more than 4 percent of gross domestic product. Following decreasing trends of displacement since the 2012-2013 crisis, the number of internally displaced persons is again on the rise, reaching 171,500 by September 2019.
Under the country strategic plan, WFP will maintain the capacity to respond to emergency needs while it increases its focus on developing government emergency response and preparedness capacity and fostering increased resilience. This is consistent with the humanitarian–development nexus approach and will be aligned with – and informed by – the Government’s development plan, the humanitarian response plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Mali.
The quality and effectiveness of resilience-oriented activities will be enhanced by implementing them as part of an integrated package, targeting the same people over a sustained period of time. Partnership with other actors and government leaders at the local and national levels will be key to success, as will linkages to other sectors.
The country strategic plan was designed in consultation with the Government, donors and key partners and was informed by a 2017 zero hunger strategic review and evaluation findings. It seeks to achieve the following interrelated strategic outcomes:
➢ Crisis-affected people in targeted areas, including refugees and internally displaced persons, are able to meet their basic food and nutrition needs during and in the immediate aftermath of crises;
➢ School-age girls and boys in targeted areas have increased current and future resilience and access to education while meeting their basic food and nutrition requirements during the school year;
➢ Nutritionally vulnerable populations in targeted areas, including children and pregnant and lactating women and girls have improved nutritional status throughout the year;
➢ Communities in targeted areas, including smallholder farmers (particularly women-led groups), have more resilient livelihoods for improved food security and nutrition throughout the year;
➢ By 2030, national institutions and entities have strengthened capacities to manage food security, nutrition and social protection policies, programmes and interventions in support of zero hunger; and
➢ Humanitarian partners in Mali have access to common services that enable them to reach and operate in crisis-affected areas throughout the year.
The country strategic plan will promote equity, focusing on the most vulnerable segments of society, with special attention to the needs and interests of diverse groups (women and men, girls and boys, young people, etc.) and supporting their empowerment. It will be implemented in a conflict-sensitive manner, with protection and accountability to affected populations being mainstreamed throughout. Consideration of environmental risks remains a cross-cutting element. Activities will be implemented in a nutrition-sensitive manner, with an emphasis on multisector packages of complementary activities.
Operation documents | File |
CSP Document |
PDF | 498.25 KB
Resource situation | File |
Resource Situation |
PDF | 79.19 KB
Annual country report - See all annual country reports | File |
ACR 2023 |
Web page
ACR 2023 |
PDF | 10 MB
ACR 2022 |
Web page
ACR 2022 |
PDF | 6.11 MB
ACR 2021 |
Web page