Guatemala country strategic plan (2021–2025)
Operation ID: GT02
CSP approved at EB.2/2020 session
Revision 01 approved by the CD in July 2021
Revision 02 approved by the RD in May 2022
Revision 03 approved by the RD in October 2022
Revision 04 approved by the ED in March 2023
Revision 05 approved by the ED in October 2023
Guatemala is an upper-middle-income country with stable macroeconomic indicators and sustained economic growth. Nonetheless, pervasive poverty, high rates of stunting and socioeconomic and political inequality threaten the food security of the most vulnerable people, particularly women, children and rural and indigenous people. Guatemala is prone to natural hazards and is one of the countries in the region most affected by climate variability and change. The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated an already precarious food security and nutrition situation and has had negative effects on the economy, while many people already lived below the poverty line. Loss of income resulting from measures to contain the pandemic severely compromised the ability of many households to buy food, leading to widespread food insecurity. As a result, Guatemala faces serious challenges in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 on zero hunger.
WFP’s country strategic plan for 2021–2024 is aimed at supporting the Government of Guatemala in achieving sustainable, inclusive and equitable development by investing in resilience building, nutrition specific and sensitive programmes and policies as a pathway towards rural transformation and the sustainable development of infrastructure and human capital and by providing technical assistance to facilitate exchanges through South–South and triangular cooperation. The country strategic plan is aligned with the priorities set out in the Government's national plan for 2020–2024 and its long-term national development strategy, K’atun: Nuestra Guatemala 2032. It is focused on providing technical assistance for government social protection and emergency preparedness programmes, promoting transformative approaches such as behaviour change to improve diets and climate change adaptation, and employing a comprehensive approach to building resilience of communities at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition. Given Guatemala’s exposure to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change, WFP will also continue to provide direct food assistance to meet essential needs and ensure that the most vulnerable people have access to nutritious food in the event of shocks.
Aligned with national priorities and the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework, and informed by consultations with the Government, donors, partners and beneficiaries, the country strategic plan has five strategic outcomes:
➢ Strategic outcome 1: Crisis-affected populations in Guatemala are able to meet their essential needs during and in the aftermath of crises.
➢ Strategic outcome 2: Vulnerable populations in targeted areas have access to comprehensive services and programmes that promote healthy diets by 2024.
➢ Strategic outcome 3: Rural vulnerable populations and local institutions engage in nutrition and gender-sensitive, sustainable and climate-resilient food systems throughout the year.
➢ Strategic outcome 4: National institutions have strengthened capacities and improve their coordination to manage an integrated social protection system by 2024.
➢ Strategic outcome 5: National partners have access to efficient services and technical assistance throughout the year.
Under the country strategic plan, WFP plans to continue to engage in activities that were well established under the previous strategic plan, such as emergency preparedness and response and women’s empowerment, and to expand new areas of collaboration, including resilience building and strengthening of the national social protection system. Nutrition issues will be addressed primarily through social and behaviour change communication activities to be implemented throughout the country strategic plan. WFP will also provide services to support the Government in achieving zero hunger.
The strategic outcomes will be achieved in collaboration with government institutions, civil society, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies, particularly the other Rome-based agencies.
Operation documents | File |
CSP Document |
PDF | 492.58 KB
Resource situation | File |
Resource Situation |
PDF | 81.22 KB
Annual country report - See all annual country reports | File |
ACR 2024 |
Web page
ACR 2024 |
PDF | 14.44 MB
ACR 2023 |
Web page
ACR 2023 |
PDF | 12.84 MB
ACR 2022 |
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