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Burkina Faso country strategic plan (2019 - 2025)

Operation ID: BF02

CSP approved at EB.2/2018

Revision 01 approved by the DED in April 2019.

Revision 02 approved by the ED in June 2019.

Revision 03 approved by the ED-DG FAO in November 2019.

Revision 04 approved by the ED-DG FAO in April 2020.

Revision 05 approved by the CD in November 2020.

Revision 06 approved by the CD in February 2021.

Revision 07 approved by the ED-DGFAO in October 2021.

Revision 08 approved by the RD in February 2023.

Revision 09 approved by the ED-DGFAO in June 2023.

Revision 10 approved by the ED in May 2024.

Burkina Faso has made significant progress in recent years on reducing poverty, improving food security and addressing malnutrition. Food insecurity continues, however, affecting 19 percent of households. The main underlying drivers are structural poverty, insufficient agricultural production, environmental degradation, climate-related shocks, gender inequality and insecurity.

The country strategic plan will support the Government’s priorities as outlined in its national plan for economic and social development for 2016–2020 and its sectoral policies and in the United Nations development assistance framework for 2018–2020. The country strategic plan was designed in consultation with the Government and key partners, including donors, civil society and the private sector, and was informed by the 2017 zero hunger strategic review and the findings of WFP programme evaluations.

The country office will continue to respond to emergencies and strengthen social protection systems while reinforcing government capacities and ownership to promote long-term resilience. The country strategic plan is also aimed at the mainstreaming of nutrition-sensitive and gender-transformative approaches, proactive consideration of environmental and social risks, multi-level capacity strengthening and protection of and accountability to affected populations. The plan is structured around six mutually reinforcing strategic outcomes designed to contribute directly to WFP’s strategic results 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8:

  • Strategic outcome 1: Crisis-affected populations in targeted areas, including refugees, internally displaced people and host communities, are able to meet their basic food and nutrition needs during and in the aftermath of crises.
  • Strategic outcome 2: Food-insecure populations in targeted areas, including school-age children, have access to adequate and nutritious food all year.
  • Strategic outcome 3: Nutritionally vulnerable populations in targeted areas, including children aged 6–59 months, pregnant and lactating women and girls and anti-retroviral therapy clients, have improved nutrition status all year. 
  • Strategic outcome 4: Smallholder farmers and communities in targeted areas, including those affected by recurrent climate shocks, have more resilient livelihoods and sustainable food systems by 2023.
  • Strategic outcome 5: National institutions have strengthened capacities to manage gender-responsive and shock-responsive systems and food security, nutrition and social protection programmes and policies by 2023.
  • Strategic outcome 6: Humanitarian and development partners benefit from common services that enable them to reach and operate in targeted areas all year.