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Angola interim country strategic plan (2020 - 2025)

Operation ID: AO02

ICSP approved by the EB November 2019 

Revision 01 approved by the RD in December 2020

Revision 02 approved by the RD in March 2022

Revision 03 approved by the RD in October 2022

Revision 04 approved by the RD in December 2023

Revision 05 approved by the RD in May 2024

Angola is a resource rich country that has made substantial economic and political progress since the end of civil war in 2002. It continues to face significant challenges however, including heavy dependence on oil, macroeconomic instability, gender inequality and large pockets of people mired in poverty and lacking access to basic social services. With a new reform oriented government, Angola now has a window of opportunity to begin a period of more inclusive and sustainable growth that supports equitable outcomes.

Angola faces humanitarian challenges as the host of more than 70,000 refugees and asylum seekers, mostly from the neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo. Due to the violent conflict in the greater Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo an estimated 36,000 people have arrived in Angola’s Lunda Norte province since March 2017. While some of the refugees remain in host families in and around Dundo, around 21,000 people have been resettled in a refugee settlement in Lóvua and continue to require assistance to meet their basic needs. At the same time, efforts are being made to increase their self-reliance and to support their voluntary, safe and dignified return to their country.

This interim country strategic plan presents WFP’s contribution to humanitarian and development efforts in Angola and is directly aligned with national plans and the efforts of humanitarian and development partners. Specifically, the interim country strategic plan will support the achievement of the Angola Inter-Agency Refugee Response Plan, which is embedded in broader regional refugee response plan for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework for 2020–2022. It contributes to Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 1, and to WFP Strategic Results 1 and 5 through two strategic outcomes:

➢ Refugees and other crisis-affected populations in Angola are able to meet their basic food and nutrition requirements during times of crisis.

➢ National institutions in Angola have strengthened capacity to implement programmes to advance food security and nutrition by 2022.

Building on the achievements made under the transitional interim country strategic plan, WFP will work with partners to continue to contribute to meeting the basic needs of refugees in Lunda Norte and will progressively implement livelihood interventions to strengthen people’s self-reliance and will promote peaceful coexistence with the host communities adjacent to the refugee settlement. In addition, WFP will provide technical support to the Angolan authorities based on their need for improved policies and implementation capacity in respect of food security and nutrition. WFP’s operational engagement will remain dynamic so that it can respond to changes in the situation and the needs of the refugees and the Government. In alignment with the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework cycle and to inform the food security and nutrition analysis of the common country assessment, WFP will support a nationally owned zero hunger strategic review within the period of this interim country strategic plan.