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Road infrastructure repairs in White Nile State in support of WFP and the humanitarian community for the safe passage of humanitarian cargo between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan

Operation ID: 201041

This Special Operation (SO) is launched in support of World Food Programme (WFP) operations in South Sudan which are currently handled through the EMOP 200859 “Emergency Operation in Response to Conflict in South Sudan” and the PRRO 200572 “Food and Nutrition Assistance for Relief and Recovery, Supporting transition and Enhancing Capabilities to Ensure Sustainable Hunger Solution in South Sudan”. Specifically, this Special Operation aims to to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian cargo from the Republic of Sudan to the Republic of South Sudan through the rehabilitation of the South Sudan Northern Corridor in Sudan’s White Nile State. This corridor is a vital supply route for WFP operations in South Sudan, through which approximately 15 percent of the total commodity requirements is transported.

The SO will be implemented under the overall responsibility of WFP Sudan within a period of 18 months, starting 1st December 2016. Total cost for the operation is US$ 2,487,516
