Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Haiti
Operation ID: 200618
This operation has been modified as per budget revision 4 (see below)
Over the last two decades, Haiti has been affected by a series of political crises and devastating natural disasters. Due to its geographical location, the country is subject to severe tropical storms from June through November as well as recurring natural hazards.
This protracted relief and recovery operation is therefore designed to support Government efforts to respond to the needs of at-risk and affected populations and facilitate their recovery. Its focus will be on saving lives, rebuilding livelihoods and enhancing resilience to shocks. Activities will be concentrated in the most food insecure and disaster prone areas in order to reach 0.6 million people currently classified as severely food insecure.
The operation has been designed through a participatory approach involving affected communities, the Government, United Nations agencies and cooperating partners. It is fully in line with the Government-endorsed United Nations Integrated Strategic Framework and Plan of Action and is in accordance with the three pillars of the Government’s food security and nutrition response: i) food and social safety net interventions; ii) investment in agriculture; and iii) improved basic social services and nutrition.
The operation’s objectives are to: support Government interventions to save lives, meet food needs, and enhance food consumption and dietary diversity of the most vulnerable and food insecure populations affected by natural disasters; enhance Government emergency preparedness and response capacity; encourage resilience-building efforts that facilitate recovery from natural disasters and mitigate their impact; treat acute malnutrition in children under five and pregnant and lactating women and support therapy adherence for people living with HIV and tuberculosis; prevent chronic malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies through a focus on the first 1,000 days; support the most food insecure by developing a targeting system for the national social safety net programme.
It is aligned to Strategic Objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the WFP Strategic Plan (2014-2017) and contributes to Millennium Development Goals 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The requested budget revision is to expand the PRRO 200618 in the first quarter of 2017 and extend it by 15 months for the transition to a country strategic plan (CSP). In particular, the BR will cover: increased numbers of beneficiaries of general food assistance (GFA) in response to Hurricane Matthew and for contingency planning; activities for recovery and resilience-building; extended activities for strengthening government capacities.
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