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Food and nutrition assistance to Nigerian and Central African refugees and host populations in Cameroon

Operation ID: 200552

This operation has been revised as per budget revision 2 (see below)

The East, Adamaoua, North and Far-North regions are the poorest in Cameroon. Furthermore, there has been a significant influx of refugees from the Central African Republic to the East and Adamaoua regions, and recently, from Nigeria to the North and Far-North regions, compounding pre-existing social and economic challenges.

In March 2013, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees registered over a thousand new refugees from the Central African Republic in addition to the 87,000 already present. About 10,000 Nigerian refugees are hosted in the North and Far-North, regions already affected by recurrent drought and flooding. A February 2013 food assessment carried out by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and WFP found 38,900 severely food-insecure and 173,000 moderately food-insecure Cameroonians in the North and Far-North regions.

Protracted relief and recovery operation 200552 is aligned with the Government’s Growth and Employment Strategy Document 2010–2020 and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2013–2017. It builds on previous operations to scale up activities targeting vulnerable refugees from the Central African Republic and Nigeria and host Cameroonian households, while enhancing attention to gender issues.

The operation is aligned with the WFP Strategic Plan (2014-2017), in particular Strategic Objectives 1, 3 and 4, and it aims to: provide relief assistance to refugees from Nigeria and Central African Republic (Strategic Objective 1); treat moderate acute malnutrition through targeted supplementary feeding to children aged 6–59 months and pregnant and lactating women (Strategic Objective); prevent stunting through complementary feeding to children aged 6–23 months, and assist clients following anti-retroviral therapy through supplementary food promoting therapy adherence and nutritional recovery (Strategic Objective 4); enhance livelihoods through food assistance for assets activities, under food, cash and voucher transfer modalities, for people affected by recurrent droughts, floods and the influx of refugees, with special attention to women (Strategic Objective 3).


Budget revision 2 extends PRRO 200552 for six months and decreases the number of beneficiaries from 276,560 to 143,173, to account for beneficiary caseloads moved from the PRRO to the two regional emergency operations (Regional EMOPs 200777 and 200799). These EMOPs now provide assistance to new refugees in the Far North of Cameroon that have recently arrived from Central African Republic and Nigeria.