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World Food Programme mourns passing of former Executive Director James T. Morris

ROME: The United Nations World Food Programme family is deeply saddened to learn of the death of our former Executive Director, James T. Morris.

Morris led the organization from 2002-2007. He successfully guided WFP in carrying out what was then the largest humanitarian operation in history, providing food assistance to some 26 million Iraqis in 2003-2004.  Under his leadership WFP was also one of the key responders to the Indian ocean tsunami.  

“Generations of Jim’s friends and colleagues at the World Food Programme are deeply saddened by his passing, and we will remember him with tremendous love and affection. He was a huge support to me, personally, when I joined WFP and I will be forever grateful for his wise counsel,” said Executive Director Cindy McCain.  

“As Executive Director, Jim’s humanity shone brightly for all to see and he led the organization as it mounted some of the largest and most complex emergency relief operations in its history. Millions of lives were saved thanks to his dedication and sense of purpose. 

“Jim was a true humanitarian who always put others before himself and left the world better than he found it. His spirit of service will continue to inspire his WFP family and power our mission to save lives and change lives for years to come,” said Director McCain. “Our love and prayers are with Jim’s family.” 

Prior to leading WFP, Morris combined a distinguished career of business, philanthropic and humanitarian leadership with a personal life of public service. 


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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. 


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