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WFP welcomes a contribution of US$ 550,000 from the United States government to support the government of Sri Lanka in disaster risk management

COLOMBO – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a new contribution of USD 550,000 from the United States Government in support of its collaborative efforts with the Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen emergency preparedness amongst communities affected by climate shocks.

The funding is provided to WFP by the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.


“The U.S. Government remains a valued and committed partner to WFP in Sri Lanka and worldwide,” said Brenda Barton, WFP Country Director in Sri Lanka. “Climate shocks such as droughts, landslides and floods will place an additional burden on communities already impacted by the pandemic. This latest contribution has come at a crucial time to protect vulnerable people from the twin shocks of Covid-19 and climate impacts. We are grateful to the United States Government and the American people for their longstanding support.”


WFP with support from USAID has provided technical assistance since 2016, to strengthen national capacity on emergency preparedness planning. Assistance provided has enabled disaster management agencies to review and improve its framework of national disaster response and helped build capacities to implement effective responses through coordinated efforts with support from other humanitarian partners and private sector organizations.


As a country ranked 6th in the climate risk index, Sri Lanka is vulnerable to extreme weather events, ranging from severe drought to floods and landslides. This latest contribution will bolster a range of activities, including policy development to strengthen emergency preparedness, logistics planning for crisis response and an information management system which supports the creation of timely and consistent information to assist decision-making and document the progress of disaster responses.


Over the years, WFP has expanded its efforts in disaster risk management, adopting a more stream-lined approach including risk-sensitive planning which incorporates long-term risk reduction into all aspects of national planning. Through its continuous collaboration with all actors involved in disaster risk management, WFP aims to improve the government planning process and increase capacities in preparing for and responding to an increasing number of climate related crises.


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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies, building prosperity and supporting a sustainable future for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.



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Sri Lanka United States of America


Tanya Jansz, WFP, Tel. +94 769 102462